
Questions & Concerns

1Does Rolf Structural Integration hurt?

Unlike a massage this work engages the client in their own unique healing process. While deep pressure may be involved in the release of connective tissue, it should only “hurt good.” Active communication is always encouraged during each session so the client feels safe and receptive to the healing process.

2How long is a session?

Sessions run approximately 60-75 minutes. Scheduling appointments once a week, or every two weeks is advantages to your progress. Our lives are busy, if I can accommodate more time between sessions it can be considered.

3Do I have to do all 10 sessions?

I often suggest for new clients to try the first session and see how the experience resonates with their body.

A three session series can be helpful; however the full series is designed with a particular goal in mind.

4What should I wear?

The beginning of each new session we exam and evaluate your body structure. It is important that clothes worn at this time allow for structural evaluation. Most people like to wear what I call “intimate” sportswear: sport shorts, bike shorts, sport bras, bathing suits. Others may be comfortable in their everyday under garments. Long hair is best tied up. Sheets and blankets are provided for warmth and comfort.

5Can I be in the room with my child during their session?

Absolutely, I like this to be a comfortable interactive experience for everyone.

1How often should sppointment be scheduled?

Scheduling appointments once a week, or every two weeks is advantageous to your progress. If more time is necessary between sessions arrangements can be considered.

2What can I expect from a massage?

My pathway to Rolf Structural Integration began with my work as a Massage
Therapists. The benefits of massage therapy are endless: the anatomical,
biological, physiological and psychological healing by hands goes back over 5,000 years ago. Over my thirteen years of practice, I too have seen the importance of healing through Therapeutic Massage. It may have started a long time ago, as a natural antidote for the ill and tired, but today consider receiving regular massages as part of your Healthcare. The best part of this wellness program is its ability to simply make you feel better!

3What are the benefits of a massage?
  • Helps to relieve stress and anxiety
  • Manage low back pain
  • Reduce muscle tension
  • Promotes relaxation
  • Decrease symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Helps chronic neck pain
  • Helps manage fibromyalgia pain
  • Better balance and movement
  • Helps children with a non-drug options for common aches & pains
  • Children with special needs respond well to massage
  • Improves attitudes, aches and pains associated with ageing
  • Enables people to maintain and extend their strength and vitality
  • Lessens symptoms of depression
  • Alleviates the physical discomforts during pregnancy
  • Facilitates faster healing of soft tissue injury
  • Promoting positive body awareness and mind body connection
  • Promotes better sleep
  • Improves circulation of blood and lymph fluids
  • Fosters a feeling of well being
4What various techniques of massage are offered?
  • Swedish Massage
  • Deep Tissue Massage
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Reflexology
  • Lomi Lomi Pregnancy Massage
  • Rolf Structural Integration


Each Session
Rolf Structural Integration: 60 – 75 minutes
Paid in Full
Paid in full-the complete 10 sessions
Therapeutic Massage: 60 minutes